NO GOD MODDING. I absolutely
HATE that.
2. No Marysue's/Garysue's,
NOR Marystue's/Garystue's. No one here is going to be the perfect character that everyone likes, or the completely depressed one who really needs to stop moping around.
3. You may swear, but I don't want cuss words all over the forum. If you must cuss, if you feel it is appropriate, you may, but limmit it, please!
4. Don't one-word us, please. Try to keep your posts at a minimum of 2 sentences, once in a blue moon 1 sentence.
5. I"ll allow romance, but keep it PG-13, okay?
6. Be realistic when making your character. I don't want anyone with, lets say, black eyes with flames in the pupils, okay? You can have un-average hair, as long as you RP once and a while that you're dying it, but come on, this isn't anime. (Even though anime is WICKED awesome <3)
7. When making your history, your character CANNOT open to the Inner Circle. It's just stupid how some people think "Okay, I'll make my character really powerful, but have one weakness." No. Your character isn't Akilles, or anything. I attempted a Harry Potter RP (which is dead, so please don't ask for the link) before, and someone who had a first year was acting all big and tough, and in their history, said that they had defeated 20 Death-eaters when they were four, by accidentally shootng the killing curse at them all. It's just stupid. You start out with barely any control, okay? Yes, you can say you opened a portal to the 5th Ring once or twice in your history, but mainly 3rd and 4th Rings at the most, on average.
Rules may change once in a while, check back in every week or so.
((Sorry if I sounded mean when writing these, but I know some people who will join this RP are going to be complete idiots who need to remember that they aren't the most powerful character in everything. And usually, they only listen to people who rant.))